vendredi 17 mars 2017

Migrants protest against Xenophobia

Monday 19 December, the migrants living in downtown of Johannesburg, followed by local associations as well as invested citizens demonstrated to protest the xenophobic remarks uttered by the mayor.

A few days before the mayor of the city dubbed foreigners “criminals”.

The demonstration was staged outside his offices.

The issue of foreign migrants in South Africa is quite volatile, the country knows an increasingly important wave of xenophobic violence. According to some citizens the mayor of Johannesburg is used to trivializing xenophobia while the situation of foreigners in South Africa is already very difficult. Manytestimonies describe the situation as very hard, many foreigners die because of unaffordable healthcare.In most cases obtaining legal documents is very slow -up to several years - moreover the administration of the country is easily corruptible and many foreigners resort to bribes to be able to enter the country. 