mardi 3 décembre 2013

  In all impartiality, I can say she's a very attentive and generous person, and she is very concerned by others with admirable patience to the point of being sometimes unsetlling but as a friend, I can assure you that it's not unpleasant.
  At first contact, she can look shy and introverted but she isn't afraid  to speak up to defend what she has to say.. It's quite impressive to see how someone so calm can suddenly assert her views with such conviction (I've always said that there should be an Hawain Volcano sleeping somewhere inside her)
   Unlike me, she'is very tactful and sweet and, surpising as it may seem, she's surely at 8a.m.the less bad-tempered  person I have ever known..
    Of course, like all the girls her age , she likes to take on her peers, and it's foolish because she feels so guilty after that she hurries to find a positive thing to say ...
  Sometimes, it's true that it's a bit disturbing when she takes 5 minutes to find words not to hurt your feelings and she talks very quickly when she has a really embarrassing thing to tell, but hey, it takes all kinds of people to make a world go round , doesn’t it?
    A perfect mixt between self-confidence and discretion, I really try to find a big and shameful defect about her  but I've quickly given up because I think that believing there is a dark side to her is like believing in werewolves and I stopped to believe in these legends a long time ago !
               And that is a faithful portrait of my friend, Beatrice .